Monday, July 14, 2008

Week 5

I found this website, and it's pretty cool. It gives you actual photos of what your embryo looks like.

Week 5

So I think I'm in week 5 or coming into week 5. I'm not sure. I can't wait to get to the dr. to find out exactly what's going on and to find out exactly how far along I am. My sister-in-law conceived a week before me and her daughter was born on March 23rd. I conceived a week after her and my estimated due date online is March 19th. I've read that the online calculators are usually 2 weeks off. We'll see what the doctor says.

I haven't had morning sickness yet, but I get a little nauseated here and there throughout the day. I've started to eat right and I'm going to buy an elliptical machine for the house today so I can start a regular exercise regime. I'm trying to drink all of my water throughout the day, but it's a little tough. I've also started to lotion up my belly to avoid getting stretch marks. I am really really tired though. I don't know if it's the lack of caffeine or from the pregnancy. I guess it could be a combination of both. I've started drinking decaf which has 5mg of caffeine where as a regular cup of coffee has over 100mg.

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