Thursday, July 17, 2008

Belli Oil

I also just ordered Elasticity Belly Oil by Belli to prevent stretch marks.  It was a little pricey, but well worth it if it works.  I read a lot of reviews online and it works.  Some women swear by it.  Right now I'm using Palmer's Cocoa Butter for Stretch Marks and I'll use that until I get my Belli Oil.
I started using this Belli oil early in pregnancy. I am now ready to deliver with NO stretch marks on my tummy. The ONLY place I developed any stretch marks was on my breasts..........also the only place I didn't rub the oil! It smells very soothing as well. It's a perfect gift for a pregnant friend!
I started using this oil at about 4 weeks pregnant (early I know) and I am now at the start of my 6th month... no stretch marks yet. I think it is still early to tell, but even so the oil is fantastic. I have two other popular creams, and this is the only one that really makes my stomach feel soft and ready to stretch. I think it's worth the price. Also, I just ordered a new bottle after almost 6 months!! It really lasts.
I'm prone to stretch marks. I used this oil on my belly throughout my pregnancy, but not on my chest. The ONLY place I got stretch marks was my chest!!!
I love this stuff I put it on every day! Not a mark!! I had my baby 3 months ago!! Smells amazing too!!!
Feels amazing on the skin while protecting. & its safe!! Belli Has amazing products. I would say a must have for pregnancy.
Wow, so far this product is working! I am 33 weeks pregnant in my third tri-mester, have been using this product since week 15 day and night, and I have NO STRETCH MARKS... my mother had them very badly and is jealous and wishes this product was around when she was having babies. I am now running out and just bought another bottle. If I get one or two by the time its all over with, thats still great for me due to my family genetics. I also use the belli scrub and the lotion. I will be the belli cream for after "IF" I get any stretch marks after my pregnancy. Don't go cheap, buy this product to prevent them! Its worked on me so far... good luck!

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