Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm least I think I am...

So I was supposed to get my period today and I didn't. I didn't even get any spotting. Weird. So I stopped at Duane Reade this morning and picked up a Clearblue Easy Digital Pregnancy test. I got to work and waited a little bit till I had to pee. I went to the bathroom w/ the test and took it. Waited patiently for 3 minutes and then looked at the test...


OMG! Seriously? I was laughing and crying at the same time. I didn't think I would get a positive result. The box came with 3 tests so I'm going to take another one when I get home just to make sure. I didn't touch my cup of coffee. :)

I can't wait to get home to take the test and really make sure and then tell my hubby. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I just hope it wasn't a false positive. Those exist you know. I made an appointment for my first OB exam anyway. They won't see me until I'm 8 weeks along. Right now I'm about 3-4 weeks. So crazy. I can't believe it. My emotions are all over the place right now. I'm excited, scared, nervous. What's even more scary is that my husband is going to be in Iraq unitl next July. I just went to BabyCenter and they said my due date would be around March 19th, 2009. I'm hoping he can save his leave to be here for the delivery....IF I'M EVEN PREGNANT. I'll take the other test tonight to be 100% sure. Wow, I can't believe this is really happening.

Baby at 3 weeks

Baby at 4 weeks

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