Thursday, July 10, 2008

So it's official...

I'm prego.  :)  Woohoo!  I'm so excited.  I took another test this morning just to make sure and it came back positive.  My husband left today.  He'll be in in Texas for two months and then he's shipping off to Iraq for 9 months.  I'm hoping he can be here for the birth of our baby.  He's going to save his leave so he can do just that.
I guess I have some books to buy.  I'm going to buy "What to Expect When Expecting" and "What to Eat When Expecting".  I guess I'll run to the bookstore now.  I want to tell everyone so bad!  The only people that know so far are immediate family.  I think I want to wait unitl my first appointment which is Aug. 5th.  Another 4 weeks.  See, my problem is that I'm going to a party on the 26th of this month and then another party on Aug. 1st where my friends will be.  If they don't see me drinking, they're going start asking questions.  What to do.

1 comment:

CiaFai said...

The emotions that invaded my soul has me at an uplift of such joy today as I come to find out my best friend is at the very beginning stage of having a child. It is one of the most amazing experiences a woman can ever, ever, ever did I mention ever have in her life. I feel like it's a miracle to create another life inside you and have it form into a beautiful own being. To grow up and to be like you in some way. It could be the way the child turns it's face and there's a glimpse of you. This has truly made my day and life. I can't stop my heart from beating so fast from excitement and the wonders of the beautiful things to come. I love you TARA!