Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What a day

I went to Destination Maternity during lunch because I need some new clothes for work. I get on line and the registers aren't working. I'm waititng and waiting and they ask everyone on line if they would like to come back later. They would put our clothes on hold for us. A few women said they would wait since they weren't able to come back later, but not me. I said I would come back.

So Ieft work a little early so that I would have enough time to go to the store and then make my train. Of course I get to the store and my clothes are no where to be found. The sales girl asks me what I had picked out. What did she want me to do? Describe every piece of clothing to her? Get outta here. I was so annoyed at that point. I said, forget it...I'll get them myself. I go find all the clothes I had ALREADY picked out during lunch and headed over to the register. All of my items get rung up and I hand her my card. Now their credit card machine isn't working. Are you kidding me!!!! Ahhhhh!! You can't do this to a pregnant woman. I waited AGAIN and finally got my receipt only to jump on the subway and sit next to a woman chewing about 10 pieces of gum in my ear.

I can't wait to get home.

Sent via BlackBerry

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