Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Week 13 Belly Pic

Here it is. :)
I can't believe my belly is growing so fast. I guess maybe because I didn't have one to begin with I'm really noticing it.
The tests I took at my first OB visit were for a complete blood count (CBC), Blood type and Rh factor, Rubella titer, HIV, Hepatitis B screening, Syphilis, complete urinalysis and Cystic Fibrosis.
What I did at my last appointment was an NT Scan and a Finger Prick test. The NT Scan along with the Finger Prick test helps assess our baby's risk of having Down syndrome and some other chromosomal abnormalities as well as major congenital heart problems. The NT test uses ultrasound to measure the clear (translucent) space in the tissue at the back of our developing baby's neck. Babies with abnormalities tend to accumulate more fluid at the back of their neck during the first trimester, causing this clear space to be larger than average.
My doctor's office called. All the tests I've taken so far for birth defects and down syndrome have come back normal! That's great news! My next visit is on October 1st and they will do a Spina Bifida test.

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