Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Week 12

Yay, we're at week 12!  Here is our ultrasound picture.  Yesterday's appointment was much quicker than my initial appointment.  All I had done was the ultrasound, blood pressure and finger stick test (the nurse pricks your finger with a needle to draw a small amount of blood).
Isn't our baby so cute?!  I love him/her so much already.  It's crazy how you can fall in love with someone so quickly.  I can't wait to have you in my arms. 
I love you.
Mommy & Daddy


Anonymous said...

we are all so happy and proud for you both!! congrats love ,the bolon family xoxox

CiaFai said...

I remember that day like if it were just a few minutes ago. I promised not to cry... but the joy inside me couldn't resist as soon as she put the wand on your belly and there it was. The precious baby that I have also fell in love with so quickly. I can't believe that we are grown up. I'm so happy to have gone through this journey of life with you.