Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 35

Baby is the size of a honeydew melon this week. ;)

My feet are swollen! Booooo. I made it 35 weeks without any swelling and yesterday at home I put my feet up and OMG! sausage feet! Ugg, I can't believe it. I'm drinking a lot more water now to hopefully bring down some of the swelling. I just don't want it to get painful. I have just a few more weeks to go. I hope it doesn't get worse. :(

I've been having a lot more BH contractions. I try and stay active which will hopefully help when labor starts. I feel like I'm going non stop, especially now that the weeks are getting closer and our little boy is almost here. A lot to do.

1 comment:

Gray said...

haha Flintstone feet, lol!