Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Week 28 Dr. Visit

I went for my glucose test yesterday and it was not fun. I had the fruit punch flavored drink and had to try my hardest not to bring it back up. Especially since you have to drink it within 10 min. It was pretty gross. So on top of tasting terrible I had the shakes for the next hour or so from the sugar. Not fun. Dr. said it was normal to feel that way. It went away eventually.

Everything looks good so far, but dr. told me to slow down on my weight gain. All I should be gaining now is baby weight so back to eating healthy. Yes I have been eating cookies and ice cream. It's so hard not to LOL...but, that's done and over with. I only have 12 more weeks to go! I can't believe it. I have to start baby proofing the house and start on the nursery. Oh yeah, and she said my belly is going to get A LOT bigger than it is now. I'll have to take another belly pic so you can see how much bigger he's gotten already.

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